Saturday, February 15, 2014

Post #5

In Project Based Learning Part 1, Anthony Capps makes the point that project based learning is a method of learning as opposed to using projects to show what has been learned. This was very interesting to me because in my grade school experience, projects were always done after a lesson. I feel like students will be much more engaged doing projects in order to learn. Capps also talks about how he is able to meet state standards with these projects which is a big concern in classrooms.

iCurio Anthony 070113 taught me about iCurio and how it can be used in the classroom. iCurio is a curated search engine program that allows students to search for information and organize it into drives. iCurio keeps internet searching safe because all information available on it has been reviewed and deemed appropriate for the particular grade level. iCurio eliminates the concern for inappropriate content in web searching and makes project based learning a lot more feasible.

Discovery Ed is a resource that has videos on endless science and social studies topics. In Discovery Ed Anthony070113, Capps talks about the importance of videos in student retention. Students are able to search topics that interest them and find specific videos that give them more information than a general grade-level teacher could. I think Discovery Ed would be a great tool to keep students engaged and excited about learning.

In the video, Additional Thought About Lessons Anthony 070113, Capps talks about the four layers of a lesson. When planning lessons, it is important to plan it on a yearly, unit, weekly, and daily perspective. I think this is very important to ensure that you stay on track with your lessons and that your projects serve their purpose as effectively as possible.

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